Everyone’s doing it, but why? GW’s Senior Class Gift allows YOU to answer that question.
Upon starting my undergraduate education at GW, I had no idea what I wanted from my "GW Experience." In my eyes, everyone had a future in politics or international affairs, and I did not categorize myself in either of these academic interests. I began to question my motives and wonder how I would make this urban location and university work for ME. It was not until the end of my freshmen year that GW really began to reveal itself to me-- through service opportunities and student organizations, I was guided towards a new field of study, Exercise Science. This department is housed within the sometimes overlooked, School of Public Health and Health Services; however, a passionate faculty and staff and an immeasurable amount of academic resources complement its close-knit student population. Through this program, I was able to connect my extracurricular activities with my academic interest-- making my GW learning experience one that extended outside the classroom.
I donated my senior class gift to The School of Public Health and Health Service. My school allowed me to learn what I love, while helping establish myself within such an active University, an opportunity that every student should be granted. I encourage YOU to give back to an organization, program, department, or school that made your experience at GW a memorable one.
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