Friday, November 12, 2010

Mia Sorkin: Why I Gave my Senior Class Gift

Everyone’s doing it, but why? GW’s Senior Class Gift allows YOU to answer that question.

Upon starting my undergraduate education at GW, I had no idea what I wanted from my "GW Experience." In my eyes, everyone had a future in politics or international affairs, and I did not categorize myself in either of these academic interests. I began to question my motives and wonder how I would make this urban location and university work for ME. It was not until the end of my freshmen year that GW really began to reveal itself to me-- through service opportunities and student organizations, I was guided towards a new field of study, Exercise Science. This department is housed within the sometimes overlooked, School of Public Health and Health Services; however, a passionate faculty and staff and an immeasurable amount of academic resources complement its close-knit student population. Through this program, I was able to connect my extracurricular activities with my academic interest-- making my GW learning experience one that extended outside the classroom.

I donated my senior class gift to The School of Public Health and Health Service. My school allowed me to learn what I love, while helping establish myself within such an active University, an opportunity that every student should be granted. I encourage YOU to give back to an organization, program, department, or school that made your experience at GW a memorable one.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why I Gave...from Senior Ryan Douglass

By now I’m sure you’ve seen the T-shirts, read the emails, gotten the texts, and sequentially been asked to give to the Senior Class Gift. The natural response that goes through most senior’s minds is, ‘why?’ Why give to GW? While each person’s experience has been different, one thing remains constant. Whether it was your student org, scholarship, fellowship, internship, or simply spending four years in our nation’s capitol- there is something special that kept us here all four years.

So why did I give? While it is pretty undeniable that I would be classified as a “GW tool,” this is not my only reason for giving. I have had an amazing three years at this school. The classes I have taken, the student organizations I have been a part of and the professional opportunities I have been offered all have attributed to why GW is the perfect fit for me- allowing growth in all parts of life. The type of experience our school offers is one of a kind, and if my gift can help current and future students at GW, then sign me up!

I chose to give to the GW Power & Promise Fund, because like a majority of GW students, I am a recipient of financial aid. Initially, I thought the chance of me being able to afford GW was slim. However, due to various scholarships and grants from such programs as the Power & Promise Fund, GW became a reality. Continuing to support these programs thereby allowing more students to make GW a reality, was more than enough reason for me to give.

At the end of the day the Senior Class Gift is not only a chance for you to positively affect those things that have been most important to you during your time here, but also the opportunity to leave our mark as a class. So I urge you all think about what part of GW has been your most memorable, has impacted you most, and then LIVE UP TO THE CHA’11ENGE and give back today!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Seniors Vote for Emergency Scholarships

Over 700 seniors voted for the 2011 Senior Class Gift last week. The Ron Howard Emergency Scholarship Fund will be the recipient of the matched funds from members of the Luther Rice Society. To read more about the gift, check out this link to the GW Hatchet's article this morning:

Senior gift will go to scholarship fund - News